For a birthday catch up I went with a friend to go and see 'The Lorax.' I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. When I was little we had the book and I loved when Mum or Dad read it to us. I did treasure the book so I was a little worried about how they were going to turn it into a movie. But, it was well done. The trees were so FLUFFY! I would love a tree like that in my yard.
I have become addicted to the tea from Absolute Tea (see previous post). I grabbed a sample of their 'Rainforest Magic' because I have always wanted to try but was unsure of the flavour combo. It contains black tea, hibiscus, lemongrass, blackberries and orange. It is beautiful, so fruity. A great morning tea or afternoon tea addition. Plus, the house smells so yummy afterwards.
Finally to finish up, I am so excited about one of the gifts I was lucky enough to get. A good friend got me a copy of Phil Davison's book Twisted Stitches. I LOVE the designs in these. For those who know me, I tend to lean towards the less traditional cross stitch patters. It is so hard to choose a favourite from this book. The patterns seem clear the follow and their are 3 or so I want to do now. I would also recommend checking out the website Urban Cross Stitch if you would like something a little different to flowers, sayings and verses.

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