On to my weekend here at home, it has been random. I have been working hard on a new softie for a friend and am almost done. It has been fiddly for me and because I am working with new materials challenging. I am proud of the work so far and hopefully can post completed pics tomorrow or the next day. I have also managed to get hold of some small Christmas Cross Stitch kits (on sale) to make up for my Grandma and my own Christmas Tree decorations. In terms of cooking I have been lazy just my stock standard food and even a few sandwich nights this week. Weather has also turned to the soul destroying heat so motivation to stand near an oven or stove has evaporated. Break out the salads :)
My biggest accomplishment was starting to re order and sort through ALL my stuff in my home office. School stuff, fabric stuff, notecards, paper work EVERYTHING is in the process of being categorised and organised. I had to battle many dust bunnies and had my side kick bravely standing beside me. Sadly though Delenn decided dust bunnies were to be played with and ended up becoming a very grey kitty. So she needed a bath...here are the hilarious pics. I give you RAT CAT! She was soooooooo not happy with me.
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