For those who bright pink makes the eyes hurt here it is.
Recipe: Superb Swapbot Swapper Slice
Kitchen of: aussielisa
- 2 cups Mail Addiction
-3/4 cup Community Spirit
-1/2 kg Fun Loving
- ¾ cup of Sense of Humour
-2 tsp Can do attitude
- 1 ½ cups of Communication
- 1 cup of Angel
- 2 tbsp Risk Taker
-1 tsp Punctuality
-1 block of Patience
-Extras of decorate
Combine Mail Addiction, Community Spirit, Fun Loving and Can do Attitude in saucepan, simmer on low heat and frequently stir until combined, smooth and shiny. In a large bowl add Sense of Humour, Communication, Angel, Risk Taker and Punctuality. Pour over Mail addiction liquid and stir with a wooden spoon until combined. Press into a prepared 26x16cm slice tin. Place in fridge for 1 hour or until set. Melt block of Patience in saucepan. Pour over the top of Superb Swapbot Swapper Slice. Use Extras to decorate appropriately. Serve every login with a glass of happiness
Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 1 hour Serves: A community
Very Cute!