So I have been running on no sleep and zero spare time thanks to my job consuming all. However, this has lead me to be inventive in the kitchen. What do you do when you get home, it is already 7:30pm and you have about 4 hours of marking to do. Opps...forgot about dinner. Look in fridge. Find eggs, basic vegetables and a few rashes of bacon.
This is a recipe I found online and have adjusted to suit me. It is quick easy and tasty yummy the next day for breakfast and lunch. It is also healthy. Have a go and tell me what you think.
Baked Tomato, Zucchini and Bacon FritterServes: 4
Prep Time: 30 mins
Ingredients5-6 large eggs lightly beaten
1 onion diced
4 bacon rashes diced
1 sml zucchini grated
1 carrot grated
2 tblsp self raising flour
2 tblsp milk
Clove of garlic crushed
Black pepper
1/3 cup grated tasty cheese
8 grape tomatoes halved (cherry tomatoes would work)
Method1. Preheat oven to 175°C. Line a 16 x 26cm baking pan with non-stick baking paper.
2. Pan fry bacon and onion
3. Place the eggs in a large bowl and add the onion, bacon, garlic, zucchini, carrot, flour, milk, salt, pepper and half of the cheese. Stir until well combined.
4.Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Arrange tomato halves on top, pressing into the mixture slightly (i make random patterns like smilie faces or Pacman). Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
5. Cook for 20-25 mins and serve warm.
6. Put left overs in fridge in a air tight container and eat next day warm or cold.
I may have been very hugrey and didn't get a chance to photograph this one, sorry guys.